
What is Connected Learning and WIIFM?

After developing a nice workflow over the past few weeks in creating and responding to posts for the #youredustory challenge, it all fell apart for me last week. I decided to change internet\telecommunication providers which resulted in some issues with our phone line. Given they could only send a technician during business hours (when I happen to be at work!) I had to make arrangements for them to be able to get into my house to make the repairs. Juggling the repairs meant a wait and going without the internet at home for a week.

That was a long week.

Being disconnected made me realise how much of what I do both professionally and personally now revolves around being online.

Being without a connection made me also made me more aware of how much 'work' I casually do at home. My computer rarely gets turned off. I often will sit down and clean out some emails, check Twitter or Facebook, and read some articles someone has forwarded to me. I liked being able to 'dip in' when it suited me or I wanted a distraction from something else.

During that week I found myself staying back at work (where I had internet access) to catch up on these things. I was far more efficient during this time - after all, I wanted to get home.  I didn't have time to get lost and absorbed in what I was doing.

Even simple things like the running of the household relied on an internet connection - I had bills sitting on my desk at home that needed payment. How did people pay bills before internet banking? I don't think I've ever paid a bill any other way. I went to go and watch something on our Apple TV and later remembered that I couldn't do that either.

Fortunately, I still had internet on my mobile phone and iPad which kept me connected to friends and my PLN via Facebook and Twitter, but I was conscious of the amount of data I would be using up on my plan. And I'm still one of those people who likes to do "real work" on a computer.

So, my week of disconnection taught me how much I have come to rely on the Internet as a tool; I would now consider it an essential service like electricity or water. It made me more aware of how I like to work. It made me conscious of how much of my life now lives online.

So with my connection now restored, it's back to work for me.


Why teach?


Learning in 100 words