Blog Posts

ICT Scott Duncan ICT Scott Duncan

Online Assemblies

Our school shares the site with the local secondary college. We also share on-site facilities such as the gymnasium. As both schools have grown rapidly in size quite quickly, this has meant that times where we can have exclusive use of the gym is limited. Given the size of our school population and the remaining facilities available, we did not have a space large enough to accommodate our school community. This lead to us investigating alternative methods of running our school assembly program and the introduction of broadcasting our assembly using web conferencing.

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ICT, Reflection, Ultranet Scott Duncan ICT, Reflection, Ultranet Scott Duncan

Ultranet Share N Tell

On the first Monday of each month, I help to present the online PD series "Ultranet Share N Tell" with Mel Cashen and Anne Mirtschen. The Ultranet is an online learning management system being used by government schools within Victoria that has been developed by the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.We have been running these session for just over a year now. Links to recordings of previous sessions we have held are available through the Guide to Innovation Ning operated by the DEECD Innovation and Next Practice Division.

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