Blog Posts
Staying on track with teacher absences
Not that I have ever managed a public transport system, but I imagine that co-ordinating the comings and goings of teachers and their replacement staff must be a bit like managing trains. The whole system needs to run like clockwork or else it comes to grinding halt and plunges the world into chaos. (And there have certainly been times where it has near plunged into chaos!)
I am fortunate that my school isn’t too large but I can only image what it must be like for larger schools. Below is my process for managing staff absences and replacement staff.
Changing the face of professional learning
Several people within my PLN have written recently around the theme of Staff Professional Learning. (See works here by Margo and Edna) Their articles, combined with conversations at Tweet Ups and Teach Meets (and time to think over the holidays!) have led me to reflect on how I deliver professional learning within my school and changes I would like to implement.